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Join us at DVCON Europe 2023

We’ll be at DVCon Europe as Silver Sponsors! And we’re hoping to see you there!

The Design & Verification Conference & Exhibition is the premier conference on the application of languages, tools, methodologies and standards for the design and verification of electronic systems and integrated circuits. The focus of this highly technical conference is on the practical aspects of these technologies and their use in leading-edge projects to encourage attendees to adopt similar techniques to improve their own design and verification flows.

DVCon booth
We’ll be at booth 101, just inside the doors.

DVCon Europe 2023 Exhibit Hall Layout

DVCon Tutorial What’s more, our own Application Engineering Lead, Bart Brosens, will be giving a tutorial showing how you can Shift your HDL design left and keep your eyes on team code metrics in FPGA & ASIC design and verification. You won’t want to miss it!

DVCon Europe 2023 logo