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WaveDrom Documentation Generation

Sigasi develops an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes chip designers more productive. Our IDE, Sigasi Visual HDL, based on Visual Studio Code (VS Code), is focused on VHDL and SystemVerilog, the two most common hardware design languages.

public boolean canApply(Applicant applicant) {
    var degrees = Set.of("Computer Science", "Informatics", "ICT");
    return (applicant.isBachelor() || applicant.isMaster()) &&

Like most IDEs, Sigasi supports the generation of documentation from comments written in the code. These comments can be written in markdown. For hardware designs, it’s a good practive to supplement textual documentation and specification with waveform diagrams. These visualizations show the relation between the input and output of a design.

In comes WaveDrom: an application to draw waveform diagrams from a textual format called WaveJSON. In this internship, we aim to support WaveJSON in code comments, to show rendered waveform diagrams in the generated documentation. The goal is twofold: waveforms should be rendered properly wherever code comments are being visualized, and the user should get some decent support when writing the WaveJSON snippets. The tool should assist with code completion and validation of the comment snippets to ensure that they can be rendered to valid waveforms. It is part of the internship to explore options and come up with pragmatic yet sustainable ideas about how to achieve this and deliver the feature.

WaveDrom Syntax and result example

You will join Sigasi’s code engineering team and participate in actual product development. You’ll be part of the daily scrum. Your code will be a first-class citizen, go through the standard review cycle, and eventually have a tangible impact on our product.

This internship takes place for at least 8 weeks in 2025, at the Sigasi office, near the fascinating city center of Ghent, Belgium. For more information about this internship proposal, e-mail

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