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Posted on 2021-12-03 by David Medina
Tagged as: VS CodeVUnit

How to configure VUnit using the Sigasi VS Code extension

Here at Sigasi, we are immensely devoted to the culture of testing. We believe in the power of test driven development and think it’s a great tool that can integrate with hardware design.
Integrating VUnit  into SVH has let us give our users the ability to work with their HDL projects and use VUnit in their workflow.

Setting up:

  • Install the Sigasi extension from the VS Code marketplace
  • Once that’s done, just open your HDL project and open a VHDL or (System)Verilog file.
  • Now, for Sigasi to correctly link your design with the VUnit libraries you must add the libraries that come installed with VUnit as a external folder. You can do that through the Projects View that comes with the Sigasi extension and selecting the folder where VUnit is installed:
  • If you want to know where your VUnit is installed you can execute: $ pip show vunit-hdl and it will be under location:
  • Finally, just match the library mapping with the one in your

See also