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Posted on 2014-11-07 by Hendrik Eeckhaut
Last modified on 2023-11-21 by Wim Meeus
Tagged as: GitHubHdt-2.0PythonSigasiXilinx

Importing a Xilinx ISE project in Sigasi

Although project setup in Sigasi is in most cases straight forward, it remains a hurdle, certainly if you already have a ‘project definition’ in another tool. I have blogged about Scripting Sigasi project creation for importing custom project descriptions before. But now we extended the Python scripts to make even easier to import Xilinx ISE and Mentor Graphics HDL Designer projects. In this post I show how easy this has become.

Download scripts

You can either clone the GitHub repository  or download a snapshot 

Run the conversion script and open the project in Sigasi

  1. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the base folder of your project

  2. Convert the Xilinx ISE or HDL Designer project to a Sigasi project (i.e. generate the .project and .library_mapping.xml files):

    • Xilinx ISE:
    python <path to SigasiProjectCreator>/src/ <project-name> <path-to-ISE-project-file.xise>
    • Mentor Graphics HDL Designer:
    python <path to SigasiProjectCreator>/src/ <project-name> <path-to-Hdp.hdp>

    Further project creation options are discussed here .

  3. Open the project: <path to sigasi binary> -p .

Let me know if you have any trouble running these scripts. And feel free to contribute importers for other EDA tools.

See also