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Posted on 2011-07-28 by Philippe Faes
Last modified on 2024-11-21
Tagged as: ModelsimMac

Tricking your Mac in to Believing it can run ModelSim

[Update] Please note that from version 5.0 onwards, Sigasi Studio is no longer supported on MacOS.

Disclaimer 1: This is in no way a crack; we’re not messing with ModelSim! You’ll need a legal copy and a valid license, which you can get from your Mentor Graphics sales rep, or (a limited version, free of charge) from the Altera website .

Disclaimer 2: Consider this semi-advanced stuff. I’m sharing this idea because I think it will be useful to other people, it is not a supported Sigasi feature.

Disclaimer 3: I hate disclaimers!

We will need a computer with SSH acces that has a working version of ModelSim installed. I suggest you use a Linux computer because Mac OSX and Linux are both Unix-like systems. If you use a Windows compile server, you may run in to troubles with the path format (backslashes on Windows!). You can either use a remote computer, or set up a virtual machine (using something like Parallels  or VirtualBox  on your Mac.

You will need the following info:

  • the host name (or IP address) of your build server
  • your user name on that server
  • the install path of ModelSim on the server

You also need to set up an SSH key  so that you can log on to the server without typing your password.

Next, we will create a fake ModelSim installation dir on the Mac. This directory will contain one script, and several symlinks to this script.

mkdir ~/fakeModelSim
cd ~/fakeModelSim
ln -s vsim
ln -s vcom
ln -s vlib

The fakeModelSim script copies the files to the build server and executes the specified ModelSim command.



COMMAND=`basename $0`
# calculate the arguments, with proper quotes around each argument
for ARG in "$@"
        ARGS="$ARGS \"$ARG\""

# Calculate a directory on the remote build server, where we can put our data
HASH=$(echo ${PWD} ${HOSTNAME} ${USER} | shasum | cut -c1-32)

# sync the project directory. You don't need this if you are using a network shared folder.
function try_rsync(){
    rsync -r ${PWD}/* ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_HOST}:${REMOTE_DIR}
function createRemoteDir(){
    echo "rsync failed, probably because the remote directory $REMOTE_DIR did not exits. Retrying." >&2
    ssh ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_HOST} "mkdir -p ${REMOTE_DIR}"
try_rsync || ( createRemoteDir && try_rsync ) || exit -1
# end sync

"cd ${REMOTE_DIR}; "\
"MODELSIM_DIR=/opt/altera/10.0/modelsim_ase/bin ; "\
"/opt/altera/10.0/modelsim_ase/bin/$COMMAND $ARGS"

# echo "# Running remote command $REMOTE_SCRIPT"

Now all you need to do, is tell Sigasi (or whatever tool you are using) to use ~/fakeModelSim as path for the ModelSim executables.

Other tools and Feedback

All of this will work just as well with Xilinx ISim, or with the Altera Quartus II, or for a million other EDA and non-EDA tools. You can extend the script to copy the compiled files back to your local computer, or you can use a shared folder instead of rsync. Feel free to improve and share.

Setting up Sigasi

If you want to let Sigasi work with Aldec RivieraPro or ModelSim, you can set up Save-time Compilation.

Do you like this script? Do you like you Mac? Do you have a better way of designing hardware with your Mac? Talk to me in the comments section, below!


I’m running Linux on a virtual machine (on Parallels, but you can also use VirtualBox). I am mounting the Mac user’s home dir in the same location on the virtual machine, so that I don’t have to translate the paths of my VHDL files. This simplifies the script a lot: no path translation, no rsync. Again: no guarantees, but I hope this is useful for you.



COMMAND=`basename $0`

# calculate the arguments, with proper quotes around each argument
for ARG in "$@"
        ARGS="$ARGS \"$ARG\""


"cd ${REMOTE_DIR}; "\

See also