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Posted on 2017-08-31 by Titouan Vervack
Last modified on 2025-02-21
Tagged as: VHDLGraphicsGraphics ConfigurationBlock DiagramState Machine

Using Sigasi Studio's Graphics Configuration

The Graphics Configuration feature has been deprecated since Sigasi Studio 4.16 and was removed in Sigasi Studio 5.3.

The BlockDiagram- and StateMachine views are a very useful way to explore and understand HDL designs. But sometimes it just doesn’t cut it. The diagrams are too complex and crowded to understand a design. For this reason, the diagrams also can not always be easily directly used in documentation. Today we present a solution for this challenge.

In this blog, I will tell you about Sigasi Studio’s new Graphics Configuration Language. This is a novel way to easily limit the amount of information in your diagrams and highlight important aspects. It improves the auto-generated diagrams and makes them suitable for documentation and design exploration. This way your diagrams stay in sync with your code, unlike comments and externally associated diagrams.

What is it

The Graphics Configuration Language is a plain text file containing declarations and configurations, which when interpreted, results in grouping, filtering and coloring in the diagram. You can see it in action in the images below:

This BlockDiagram
Original BlockDiagram
Turns into:
Filtered BlockDiagram

This StateMachine
Original StateMachine
Turns into:
Filtered StateMachine

A plain text format was chosen over buttons and menus for several reasons:

  • It can easily be managed with your version control system because files can easily be compared and merged.
  • It’s easy to debug by yourself, unlike proprietary formats or UIs
  • We can support you using all of our well-known features such as autocomplete, validations, formatting,…
  • It’s lightweight and can be used as the basis for the UI implementation

How do I get started

To get started, choose a design with a BlockDiagram or StateMachine you want to simplify.

Create a new Graphics Configuration file by going to File>New>Other>Graphics Configuration>Graphics Configuration File. You can also press the Sigasi button on the top right of the BlockDiagram or StateMachine view.

From there on you can declare groups and configure your diagram, check it into version control, and share it with your colleagues. Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space) helps you write most of the code while formatting (Shift+Ctrl+F) helps you to keep your file clean. If you’re interested in the language’s exact syntax, you can find it here.

What can I do

The Graphics Configuration features:

  • Grouping
  • Hiding
  • Block collapsing
  • Coloring
  • Regex matching

Do note that in the BlockDiagram you can group blocks and wires while in the StateMachine you can only group states.

Graphics Configuration Editor features:

  • Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space)
  • Formatting (Shift+Ctrl+F)
  • Quick outline (Ctrl+O)
  • Show in BlockDiagram/StateMachine (Alt+Shift+W)
  • Double-click on a diagram element to navigate to it in the code
  • Navigate to declaration (Ctrl+click or F3 on identifier)
  • Hovering to show more information

Show me!


To demonstrate the power of the new language we will make use of an existing open-source project, VME64x core . You can clone the repository and download the Graphics Configuration file here.

The diagram we are going to filter down is the one associated with the architecture RTL that implements the entity VME64xCore_Top. We express this in the first line using diagram work.VME64xCore_Top.RTL. The file is then read from bottom to top. First, you define all the groups, then you start configuring the diagram.

We start by grouping all of the blocks that end in nputSample, and then creating a bunch of busses. The syntax for a group is as follows def Type group ID (Identifiers) where Type is block or wire. ID is the new name of the group and Identifiers is a comma separated list of existing IDs (Graphics Configuration or VHDL) or a regex. The syntax for a regex is regex"regex_pattern". This uses Java regexes , you can also find a cheat sheet here . You can also check what the regex matches by hovering over the query.

Following this, we configure the leftover blocks, wires and ports as well as the block groups and buses we just created. The syntax for a configuration block is as follows: Type Identifiers { ConfigurationItem* } where Type is block, wire or port.

The syntax for a ConfigurationItem is as follows: hide | collapse | color GraphicsColor. You can discover which colors are available here or through autocomplete.

Note that the language can not see everything, it can not see blocks, wires, or ports that are within another block.

To color our new group, sampling, green and hide its internals we can write block sampling { color green collapse }. However, we can’t type block WRITEinputSample { color red }. To access a block within a block, we have to nest configurations as follows:

block sampling {
    color green
    block WRITEinputSample {
        color red

Configurations are also not cascading (unlike CSS), otherwise coloring our sampling block green, would turn all its internal blocks green as well.

You are not able to group ports as we have not found a good use case for it yet (however if you find one let us know!), but grouped ports are created when you group wires into a bus. You can also configure lone ports e.g. port clk_i { hide }

It is also possible to show only the instantiations blocks, hiding all of the assertions, signal assignments, processes… You do this by adding show : instantiations between the header and the group declarations.


StateMachines are just like the BlockDiagrams above, except the only Type that can be used is state. The header is also slightly different, the syntax is as follows: statemachine architecture : ^state_variable. For an example, you can check out step_3_state_machines.vhd (in our VHDL Tutorial) with this filter file.

Things to remember

  • The file extension is important so leave it as is (.blockdiagram or .statemachine)
  • The syntax dictates a fixed order, first define your groups, then start configuring the diagram
  • The regexes are Java regexes
  • There is no cascading
  • StateMachine’s only Type is state while BlockDiagram’s Type contains block, wire, and port.
  • If you want to match pattern X and Y, use regex pattern (?=X)Y
  • If you want to match pattern X or Y, use regex pattern (X|Y)
  • If you want to match pattern X case-insensitively, use regex pattern (?i:X)
  • To point to an identifier in your code, that is a keyword in the GraphicsConfiguration, e.g. state in FSM, you can prefix it with a ^, e.g. ^state

See also