Most VHDL designers prefer using named associations in port maps, generic maps, and parameter lists in instantiations. This makes it a lot easier to spot wrong connections. Sigasi Visual HDL provides a linting rule that checks whether positional associations are used. This rule is disabled by default, but you can change the severity of this check on the Errors/Warnings settings page in the Style validation section.
architecture RTL of dut is component my_comp port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; inp : in std_logic; outp : out std_logic); end component; begin i_comp_1: my_comp port map( -- positional associations not recommended clk, rst, data_in(0), open ); i_comp_2: my_comp port map( -- named associations recommended clk => clk, rst => rst, inp => data_in(0), outp => open ); end architecture RTL;
Rule Configuration
This rule can be disabled for your project, or its severity and parameters can be modified in the project linting settings. Alternatively, it can be manually configured with the following template: