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Verilog Type Checking

Expression Type Requirements in Different Contexts

In Verilog and SystemVerilog there are dozens of places where an expression or identifier of a specific type is required, e.g., operators have expectations on operand types, there are limitations on what a class can extend or implement, etc. It may not be obvious at first glance if a variable or net type complies with these requirements. Such non-compliances will be detected and marked by Sigasi (rules 78, 79, 100 and 131).

Extending and Implementing

Interface classes can only extend other interface classes, while classes can only extend classes and only implement interface classes:

class Foo;

interface class Bar extends Foo; // Expected interface class but got 'class Foo'

class Baz
    extends Bar                  // Expected class but got 'interface class Bar'
    implements Foo;              // Expected interface class but got 'class Foo'

Types vs Value Expressions

While let declarations are advertised as a replacement to preprocessor macros and they can have untyped arguments, you still cannot pass types as arguments (unlike selected system functions):

module test;
    let my_typename(expr) = {$typename(expr), "!"};
    initial $display(
        "my: %s\nsys: %s",
        my_typename(int),        // Expected value expression but got type: int

Operand Data Types

Unary logical reduction operators expect integral operands:

function logic parity(input real data);
    parity = ^data;              // Expected integral expression but got 'real'
    parity = ^$realtobits(data);

Bit-stream Types

You can unpack a stream of bits into an unpacked struct if all its fields are of bit-stream types. Here, one of the struct fields is shortreal which makes the whole struct non-streamable:

package pkg;
    typedef struct {
        shortreal data;          // shortreal is not a bit-stream type
        logic [6:0] unused;
        logic parity;
    } real_payload;

module test (logic [39:0] data);
    pkg::real_payload payload;
    assign {>>{payload}} = data; // Expected bit-stream data expression but got 'struct pkg::real_payload'

These are but a few examples. Sigasi Visual HDL checks numerous other expression expectations in different contexts in SystemVerilog, immediately showing incorrect types and variables usages.

Type Compatibility

Verilog and SystemVerilog’s type compatibility rules can be obscure, especially considering implicit type conversion and complex expression evaluation rules. To help you avoid any pitfalls, the type checker ensures that assigning ports, nets, or variables is done safely. Here are a few examples where Sigasi Visual HDL would report an error:

Unions and Structs

Even though these two unions and structs have the same signature, they implicitly define two anonymous types; they are thus not assignment compatible.

String Variables and Literals

string variables and literals behave differently.

  • null cannot be assigned to string variables.
  • String variables cannot be assigned to int variables because they are dynamically sized ordered collections of characters that are not assignment compatible to int.
  • However, string literals can be used to initialize ints as they are treated as unsigned integer constants.

Syntax Confusion and Implicit Casting

  • The concatenation and assignment pattern syntax confusingly resemble each other a lot.
  • It is not always clear what assignments will be implicitly cast. enums are implicitly cast to ints, but not the other way around.


Subclasses can be assigned to superclasses, but not vice-versa. Every Apple is a fruit, but not every Fruit is an Apple. Similarly, classes unrelated to one another (Fruit and Vegetable) are not assignment compatible.

Ref Ports

The type of the actual value should be equivalent to the formal ref port type (rule 94).

module test;
    task automatic inc(ref [3:0] value, input [3:0] amount);
        value += amount;
    bit [3:0] value = 10;
    initial begin
        // Expected expression type to be equivalent to target type 'logic [3:0]' but got 'bit [3:0]'
        inc(value, 5);