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Unexpected Output System Task

Reporting in UVM classes should always be done with one of the eight standard reporting macros `uvm_info, `uvm_info_context, and so forth, rather than ad hoc $display statements or similar. Simulation run time can be dominated by I/O operations, so it is important to use the reporting features of UVM, such as message verbosity, to control the number of messages being generated.

class my_driver extends uvm_driver#(my_item);

	task read(my_item req);
		// ...
		// Unexpected invocation of '$display', use UVM reporting macros instead
		$display("read: %s", req.convert2string());

	task write(my_item req);
		// ...
		`uvm_info("write", req.convert2string(), UVM_HIGH)

This rule can be configured to report file output system tasks ($fdisplay, $fwrite, …) too:

class my_test extends uvm_test;

  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    int fd = $fopen("my_test.log", "w");
    repeat (1000) begin
      my_instr instr = my_instr::generate_random();
      // ...
      // Unexpected invocation of '$fwrite', use UVM reporting macros instead
      $fwrite(fd, {instr.convert2string(),"\n"});

Rule Configuration

This rule can be disabled for your project, or its severity and parameters can be modified in the project linting settings. Alternatively, it can be manually configured with the following template:
