Sigasi Visual HDL can check for a number of array / vector index-related problems:
- Index out of range (rule 210).
architecture RTL of array_range_check is signal foo: bit_vector(7 downto 0); signal bar, baz: bit; begin bar <= foo(8); -- 8 is out of range "7 downto 0" baz <= foo(7); end architecture RTL;
- Slice has wrong direction (rule 211).
Slice ranges must use the same direction as the vector.
architecture RTL of array_range_check is constant iterations : integer := 8; signal foo: bit_vector(7 downto 0); signal bar, baz: bit_vector(0 to 7); begin bar <= foo(0 to 7); -- foo has a downto range baz <= foo; end architecture RTL;
Rule Configuration
These rules can be disabled for your project, or their severity and parameters can be modified in the project linting settings. Alternatively, they can be manually configured with the following template: