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Sigasi Visual HDL Reviewed in Electronic Engineering

In September 2024, the Electronic Engineering Journal’s Max Maxfield published a review of Sigasi Visual HDL (SVH).

From the Article

“So, what’s the big deal—isn’t this just another IDE?” I hear you muttering under your breath. Well, let me expound, explicate, and elucidate (don’t worry, I’m a professional). It’s not the IDE per se—it’s the tools under the IDE hood.

Let’s start with the fact that pretty much every statement in an HDL ends with a semicolon. The folks at Sigasi say that they put these semicolons to work (actually, they put every character in your code to work, but it sounds catchier when they spotlight the semicolons).

SVH validates your HDL code. It makes sure that your code makes sense syntactically, that it makes sense semantically, that it adheres to corporate coding styles, that it takes care of function safety, that it’s aware of vulnerability issues, that… the list goes on.

Click here to read the full article at EE Journal. 
