Communication Is Key To Finding And Fixing Bugs in ICs
Second Installment of “Experts at the Table” Published by Semiconductor Engineering
Sigasi’s VP for Business Development, Dirk Seynhaeve, joined colleagues from Axiomise, Cadence, Siemens EDA, and Synopsys for a round table discussion about finding and eliminating bugs in HDL specifications, hosted by Semiconductor Engineering.
In the first part of the conversation, which you can read here, the group considered how well EDA tools can help engineers detect bugs and at what stage in the specification process this is most effective.
The second installment focused on communication and its role in finding and fixing bugs.
From the Article
AI will be increasingly needed to make sense of huge amounts of data, allowing teams to work more effectively.
When it comes to sharing data, what needs to be changed in the structure of design teams?

Click here to read the entire article at Semiconductor Engineering.
2024-05-16, last modified on 2024-11-27