Sigasi 5.3 is here!

More control for you, more supported linting rules

The Sigasi Studio 5.3 release does the following:

  • includes many new VHDL linting rules, many of which improve support for designing toward the DO-254 standard
  • gives you more control over project-specific coding guidelines and naming conventions with new preference settings
  • means to differentiate between RTL and non-RTL code
  • new Verilog vector linting rules
  • enhanced support for SystemVerilog parameterized classes
Sigasi Studio Eclipse new preferences page screenshot

Across Sigasi’s product line
As always, unless otherwise indicated in the release notes, improvements in new releases apply to Sigasi Studio for Eclipse, Sigasi’s VS Code extension, and the Sigasi Veresta CI/CD linter.

Sigasi Veresta 5.3 brings project documentation generation to your CI/CD environment.

2023-09-08, last modified on 2024-11-27