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Released on 2025-01-09
Last modified on 2025-02-18

Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3 in Eclipse

Please note that we will start ramping down support for Eclipse during 2025 to focus exclusively on VS Code for your benefit. This new release has made transitioning from Eclipse to VS Code even easier. It ensured an even smoother experience when using the VS Code extension and added an import command  for Eclipse autocomplete templates. Please enjoy and do get in touch with either our Sales Team or Support Team if you need any help transitioning to VS Code.


The final SVH in Eclipse release of 2024 brings over 30 bug fixes and improvements and modernizes the technology stack used.

Java 17 is now the minimum required JRE version, up from 11.
Ensure your sigasi.ini’s -vm flag points to a Java 17 JRE.

Eclipse IDE 2023-03 is now the minimum required Eclipse version.

New and Noteworthy

  • Fixed selection when using Show In the first time
  • Added automatic license upgrading to the opening of the Documentation View 
  • Improved wording on the VHDL and Verilog Version preference pages
  • Improved Export Documentation  dialog
    • Made the path text editable
    • Open the given path when clicking the Browse button
    • SVH now automatically creates the path if it does not yet exist
  • Ensured Show In for Block Diagrams  highlights the correct element
  • Added env('VAR') and env(VAR) as options to the autocomplete templates
  • Added Show In and Follow Cursor for the UVM Topology View 
  • Bumped the included JVM to 17.0.13 from 17.0.9
  • Enhanced the Unused declaration  linting rule not to report unused private constructors on classes that only contain static methods

Bug Fixes

  • Removed invalid autocomplete template contexts
  • Fixed punctuation in multiline validation messages
  • Ensured upgrading to a higher license does not unnecessarily upgrade you to an intermediate license on failure
  • VHDL Fixed false positive errors when time units are aliased
  • VHDL Added support for records and named generics in if & case generate statements to the Design Hierarchy View 
  • VHDL Fixed Declare signal for every missing port in port map not applying when there are syntax errors
  • VHDL Fixed Set as Top Level in the Design Hierarchy View
  • VHDL Fixed the Add missing associations Quick Fix for entities containing duplicate ports
  • VHDL Fixed label for attribute specifications with missing entity names
  • VHDL Fixed false positive errors in type checking for generic packages
  • VHDL Fixed missing error on subsequent violations of Unexpected clock edge specification style
  • Verilog Moved the Include of globally available declaration linting rule from the Process validation to the Style validation family
  • Verilog Fixed incorrect semantic highlighting following includes
  • Verilog Removed endnames in our autocomplete templates as those are not compatible with pure Verilog
  • Verilog Fixed false positive errors about hiding non-virtual built-in functions
  • Verilog Fixed label for incomplete import statements
  • Verilog Fixed not rebuilding source files when the default_nettype is changed
  • Verilog Ensured empty packages are not expandable in the Libraries View
  • Verilog Fixed false positive errors when importing interfaces, programs, and UDP from different libraries



  • SVH in Eclipse now supports FlexNet Publisher License Server  11.19, next to 11.13. All SVH licenses work with both license servers.
  • Renamed Hierarchy to Design Hierarchy

Upgrade Instructions

Java 17 is now the minimum required JRE version, up from 11.
Ensure your sigasi.ini’s -vm flag points to a Java 17.

Eclipse IDE 2023-03 is now the minimum required Eclipse version.

Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3.1 Point Release

On January 20, we released Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3.1. This release contains the following changes and bug fixes:

  • Added view as a keyword in VHDL 2019
  • Added missing standard.vhdl functions and types for VHDL 2019

Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3.2 Point Release

On February 3, we released Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3.2. This release contains the following changes and bug fixes:

  • Fixed autocomplete pop-ups overlaying other windows on Windows
  • Fixed keyboard usage in autocomplete pop-ups on Windows
  • Fixed false positive errors with view as keyword in VHDL 2019

Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3.3 Point Release

On February 18, we released Sigasi Visual HDL 2024.3.3. This release contains no significant changes.

Update or Install

You can download the latest stand-alone version below:

You can also update automatically when setting Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites > Add… :

SHA sums (more info ) can be checked via .

System Requirements

Sigasi Visual HDL in Eclipse requires:

  • Windows 10 or Windows 11 64-bit
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux RHEL 8 or 9 64-bit
    • Sigasi Visual HDL depends on, which is obtainable by installing libXScrnSaver
    • Sigasi Visual HDL depends on webkit2gtk4.0, which is installable through your package manager of choice
    • You can find more information on supported Linux Operating Systems on the Eclipse website 

Sigasi Visual HDL as a plugin in your existing Eclipse installation requires:

  • Eclipse IDE 2023-03 up to and including Eclipse IDE 2024-12
  • Java JRE 17 or 21

We recommend having at least 8GB of memory and about 1GB of free disk space available for Sigasi Visual HDL.


Our Support Team happily welcomes any of your feedback.