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Posted on 2021-05-04 by Wim Meeus
Last modified on 2024-11-20
Tagged as: ProjectProject Management

Build systems for HDL projects


For a long time, software developers have enjoyed build systems to help them build their code. These build systems keep track of dependencies and call the appropriate tools to run the design flow or parts thereof. In this article, we try to give an overview of currently available build tools for VHDL and (System)Verilog projects.

While we attempt to give a complete overview, it may be that we’ve missed an HDL (Hardware Description Language) build tool, or that we’ve missed some of a build system’s strengths or weaknesses. Build systems, as any piece of software, also evolve over time, so new ones may show up, and existing ones may improve … or disappear.

FPGA design suites usually come with a built-in build system. Their IDEs have buttons to run simulation and synthesis, to generate a bitstream, etc. When activating such a button, the FPGA tool ensures that all intermediate steps run as required.

ASIC flows, which usually rely on a variety of tools from different vendors, don’t come with this kind of build automation. Also, complex FPGA designs may require a more elaborate design flow than the one offered by the FPGA design suite.

A number of HDL specific build systems exist. Alternatively, software build systems may be tweaked to build HDL designs. As a third option, design teams may rely on a suite of home-grown scripts for project builds. These scripts may have accumulated a tremendous amount of know-how over the years, but the fact that they often grow organically, driven by the needs of each project, makes them hard to maintain. Scripts may be written in a polyglot of scripting languages such as Python, Perl, Tcl, Bourne shell, C shell, Makefiles, etc. which doesn’t make their maintenance easier.

We’re unsure which build systems are currently used by design teams to build their designs. Our suspicion is that many design teams either use the build system of their FPGA suite, or they use home-grown scripts for building designs. Readers are encouraged to share their views and experience on this subject as a comment.

HDL specific build systems


Hdlmake  (documentation ) is a tool designed to help FPGA designers to manage and share their HDL code by automatically finding file dependencies, writing synthesis & simulation Makefiles, and fetching IP-Core libraries from remote repositories.

Hdlmake supports modular design. A must be added to each module, detailing the files of the module as well as its dependencies. Once the manifests are in place, hdlmake can optionally download dependencies from a remote revision control system, and generate Makefiles for a number of simulators and FPGA synthesis tools.

A small trial showed that hdlmake generates simulation and synthesis Makefiles nicely. After running hdlmake, one runs make to actually start the simulation or synthesis. From the range of supported tools, hdlmake is clearly intended for FPGA designs. A drawback is that the manifests need to be maintained by hand. Support for folders with design files, instead of requiring to list individual files, would certainly be an asset.

Hdlmake is written in python. It runs on Linux and Windows. Both VHDL and Verilog are supported as design languages, and for dependencies in remote source code management, both git and subversion are supported.

FuseSoC & Edalize

This pair of tools decouples build management (FuseSoC) and running particular tools like simulators and synthesis (Edalize).

FuseSoC  (documentation ) is a package manager and a set of build tools for HDL (Hardware Description Language) code. FuseSoC design units are named cores. FuseSoC uses core files, which are written in YAML format, to describe each core’s files, parameters, dependencies and targets (simulation, synthesis…).

Edalize  (documentation ) is a Python Library for interacting with Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools, such as HDL simulators and synthesis tools. It can create project files for supported tools and run them in batch or GUI mode (where supported). Edalize gets its input as EDA Metadata (EDAM), which is a data structure containing all input parameters that an EDA tool may need.

Installation of FuseSoC and Edalize is straightforward using Python and pip. Getting FuseSoC to work was confusing at first. Error messages were hard to understand, the reference manual looks incomplete, and the user manual mainly discusses an example. However, after figuring out the correct tool options, we could generate a Makefile and tcl scripts and run a simulation.


Bender  (documentation ) is a dependency management tool for hardware design projects. The basic design unit of Bender is called a package. A manifest, written in YAML, describes the package, its metadata, its dependencies and its source files.

Bender generates files that help control EDA tools like simulators and RTL synthesis. Many EDA tools have a built-in tcl interpreter, so for most tools Bender generates tcl scripts. For other tools, Bender can also generate a simple list of input files (with dependencies included) or command line options.

Installation of Bender is easy, all you need is to download a single executable. Setting up a simple project with two modules was rather straightforward. Generated scripts only contain the commands to compile the input files, but not the commands to e.g. start a simulation.

Bender is a dependency management tool. It requires to list all source files in the manifest, which adds work for the designer to keep the list updated with every added or removed file. Git is the only supported revision control system. The scripts generated by Bender take care of compilation, so the user needs to add more scripts (or work in a GUI) to actually run a simulation or synthesis.


Hammer  (Highly Agile Masks Made Effortlessly from RTL) (documentation ) is a framework for building physical design generators for digital VLSI flows. It is a component of UC Berkeley Architecture Research’s Chipyard framework .

As the name indicates, Hammer is mainly intended for ASIC flows. Hammer itself is open-source software. ASIC flows however often depend on (expensive) commercial tools and advanced technology libraries, which are generally not available in the open-source community. For that purpose, Hammer itself is tool- and technology agnostic. Plugins, some of which are closed-source, handle tool- and technology-specific concerns. Plugins for commercial tools and technology libraries are available to license holders only.

While Hammer is still under development, the apparent involvement of commercial EDA companies in plugin development could mean that Hammer may become the tool of choice for ASIC flows.

Software build system adaptations for HDL builds


Make  (documentation ), in a variety of flavours, has been the main software build system on Unix-like platforms for several decades. Despite its age and some shortcomings, it is still widely used for all kinds of projects. Make uses Makefiles to control how a project is built. Makefiles consist of targets, dependencies and build commands, and may either call or include other Makefiles.

Make is being used in (at least) two different ways for HDL projects. As we have mentioned before, some HDL specific build systems use make for part of the flow, i.e. these build systems generate Makefiles and as such act as a front-end for make.

On the other hand, some designers write custom Makefiles for their projects. As make wasn’t designed with HDL builds in mind, make isn’t aware by default of which files need re-compilation. As a result, Makefiles easily become rather complex and difficult to maintain again, particularly if one wants to use make efficiently by avoiding un-necessary re-compilation of code that hasn’t changed since the previous build.


Bazel  is a recent tool for build automation. While software builds are the prime focus, Bazel has more powerful customization options to adapt it for HDL builds.

In Bazel, rules specify the relationship between a set of input and a set of output files, including the necessary steps to derive the outputs from the inputs. Bazel BUILD files specify what outputs can be built from the source code. Every Bazel package contains a BUILD file, which is a short program written in Starlark .

Bazel can be extended to support HDL builds by adding rules and customizing build files. A number of Bazel rulesets for HDL are publicly available. We found about 7 projects on Github, which all look in an early stage of their development. While these Bazel extensions are usable for particular tools and environments, they don’t feel like they’re ready for a general production environment. The project bazel_rules_hdl  has the ambition to eventually become an official bazel ruleset for doing HDL development.

Given its popularity in software development, it would indeed be interesting to see Bazel more universally usable for HDL builds.


We’ve discussed a number of build systems for HDL projects. Using a build system should reduce the effort that HDL design teams spend getting their designs built.

Our impression is that usability of these build systems is still fairly limited, which makes most designers stick with their own scripts.

But maybe we’re mistaken. Maybe design teams use these build systems all the time? Please share in the comments what you use, what you’d like to use, and what you think about the matter.

See also