Xilinx no longer ships ModelSim with ISE but now ships its own HDL simulator that enables functional and timing simulations for VHDL, Verilog and mixed VHDL/Verilog designs: ISim .
I had some trouble setting up ISim from the command line on my Linux machine, so I documented how to use ISim here for future reference.
Install Xilinx ISE
and install the ISE software from the Xilinx Website. I installed Xilinx
in /opt/Xilinx/11.1/
Run Fuse to compile, elaborate and link your project
The command line tool that accompanies ISim is called
Fuse .
Fuse is the HDL compiler, elaborator and linker used by ISim. You can
find this executable in your Xilinx installation folder in the binaries
dir (/opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/bin/lin
in my case).
This tool needs a few parameters:
- A (.prj) project file with all source files (-prj)
- Top level
- Executable name (-o)
- Optional parameters
The project file is a file (ending with .prj
) with an
entry for each file, plus its library.
For the Dirac OpenCores project
that ships with Sigasi HDT, this is (Dirac.prj
vhdl work src/testbench/DECODERTESTBENCH.VHD
vhdl work src/testbench/ArithmeticCoderTestbench.vhd
vhdl work src/encoder/FOLLOW_COUNTER.vhd
vhdl work src/encoder/OUTPUT_UNIT.vhd
vhdl work src/encoder/ARITHMETICCODER.vhd
vhdl work src/encoder/LIMIT_REGISTER.vhd
vhdl work src/decoder/ARITHMETICDECODER.vhd
vhdl work src/decoder/STORAGE_REGISTER.vhd
vhdl work src/decoder/SYMBOL_DETECTOR.vhd
vhdl work src/expgolomb/EXP_GOLOMB_DECODER.vhd
vhdl work src/expgolomb/EXP_GOLOMB_COUNTER.vhd
vhdl work src/common/FIFO.vhd
vhdl work src/common/UPDATER.vhd
vhdl work src/common/D_TYPE.vhd
vhdl work src/common/COUNT_UNIT.vhd
vhdl work src/common/STORE_BLOCK.vhd
vhdl work src/common/INPUT_CONTROL.vhd
vhdl work src/common/CONVERGENCE_CHECK.vhd
vhdl work src/common/ARITHMETIC_UNIT.vhd
vhdl work src/common/ENABLEABLE_D_TYPE.vhd
vhdl work src/common/CONTEXT_MANAGER.vhd
vhdl work src/common/Divider.vhd
vhdl work src/common/HALVING_MANAGER.vhd
I choose Dirac
as executable
and the toplevel is
. I always add
-intstyle ise -incremental
as optional
parameters. -intstyle ise
makes sure
Sigasi HDT can link error messages in the console view with the editor
view. -incremental
tells Fuse to only compile
those files that have changed since the last compile; but I do not have
the impression this really works.
My complete command is:
/opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/bin/lin/fuse -intstyle ise -incremental -o Dirac -prj Dirac.prj DECODERTESTBENCH
Run the simulation
Initially when I tried to run the generated executable
), I always got:
Segmentation fault
The solution was to set some environment variables:
export XILINX=/opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE
export PLATFORM=lin
Now you can run Dirac:
[heeckhau@elvis Dirac]$ ./Dirac
WARNING: A WEBPACK license was found.
WARNING: Please use Xilinx License Configuration Manager to check out a
full ISim license.
WARNING: ISim will run in Lite mode. Please refer to the ISim
documentation for more information on the differences between the Lite
and the Full version.
This is a Lite version of ISim.
Time resolution is 1 ps
ISim> run 10 ns
Simulator is doing circuit initialization process.
at 0 ps, Instance /decodertestbench/UUT/INBUFFER/STORAGE/ : Warning:
There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand, the result
will be 'X'(es).
at 0 ps, Instance /decodertestbench/UUT/INBUFFER/STORAGE/ : Warning:
CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand,
and it has been converted to 0.
at 0 ps, Instance /decodertestbench/UUT/PROBABILITY/ : Warning:
CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand,
and it has been converted to 0.
at 0 ps, Instance /decodertestbench/UUT/PROBABILITY/ : Warning:
CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand,
and it has been converted to 0.
Finished circuit initialization process.
at 5 ns(1), Instance /decodertestbench/UUT/PROBABILITY/ : Warning:
CONV_INTEGER: There is an 'U'|'X'|'W'|'Z'|'-' in an arithmetic operand,
and it has been converted to 0.
You can also start the gui from the command line:
./Dirac -gui
This works on our Centos machines, but not on my Fedora release 10 work station. I did not find out why yet, but it is probably due to Xilinx using an older version of GLIBC.
You can also start ISim with a tcl-script, such as:
./Dirac -tclbatch isim.cmd
where iscim.cmd
is for example:
run 10 ns
This should save you some time.
Coming soon
In the upcoming version of Sigasi HDT, we will generate all these scripts for you. That way you can focus on the design, and let the tools take care of the dirty work.
Some useful links
See also
- You can't write VHDL code without an intelligent editor! (opinion)
- List of known VHDL metacomment pragma's (blog post)
- VHDL: Why, oh why must it be this way (opinion)
- Is Xilinx slowly dumping Modelsim? (opinion)
- Can we have an open-source simulator? (opinion)