In VHDL, records help the designer organize data that belongs together. By using records, VHDL code will be easier to understand and maintain. This article highlights a couple of slightly more advanced aspects of record types in VHDL, namely how to use record constants, and how to use unconstrained data types as fields in records. We’ll see that, apart from some particular syntax, records are fairly easy to use after all.
Record constants, arrays of records and their initialization
Let’s start with a simple example. Type t_rec1
is a record with 2
fields. There are two ways to declare a record constant. Name binding
is recommended for readability and maintainability. Alternatively one
can use positional binding, in which fields are entered in the same order
as the type declaration. Imagine adding a field in the middle of a
large record and then having to update all constants of that
type. With positional binding, there is a high risk of mistakes as the new
entry has to be added exactly in the right place, which is harder to
find without field names.
type t_rec1 is record -- Declare a record with two fields
f1 : std_logic;
f2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record t_rec1;
constant zero_rec1 : t_rec1 := ( -- Declare a constant: declare the value of each field
f1 => '0', -- Recommended: use name binding
f2 => (others => '0')
constant one_rec1 : t_rec1 := ( -- Not recommended: positional binding for record constants
(others => '1')
It is possible to make arrays of records, as in the next piece of code. A mix of pre-existing constants and explicit values can be used for the initialization of array elements.
type t_rec1_array is array (natural range 0 to 1023) of t_rec1;
constant recarr1 : t_rec1_array := (
1 => one_rec1, -- initialize recarr1(1) from the existing constant
2 => (f1 => '0', f2 => x"02"), -- initialize recarr1(2) with these values
others => zero_rec1); -- initialize the rest of the array with the value of zero_rec1
Furthermore, records can have fields of record and array types. Again, pre-existing constants and explicit values can be used for initialization. While it’s starting to look more complex, it’s easy to remember that each array, value and record initialized from explicit values requires a pair of brackets.
type t_rec2 is record
ff1 : t_rec1;
ff2 : t_rec1_array;
end record t_rec2;
constant one_zero_rec2 : t_rec2 := (
ff1 => one_rec1,
ff2 => (others => ( -- others: initialize all elements of the array
f1 => '0', -- value of each element of the array
f2 => (others => '0') -- others: initialize all bits of the std_logic_vector
VHDL 2008: Unconstrained fields in records
VHDL has the concept of unconstrained data types, which means that
the range of an array or vector is not declared in the type. The range
must be declared when an instance of the type is created. An example of
an unconstrained type is std_logic_vector
. The length of the vector
gets declared when the type is used, and is not a property of the type
Starting with VHDL 2008, records may contain unconstrained data types. This adds another level of flexibility to records. The sizes of unconstrained fields of a record can be determined when a constant, signal… of the record type is used.
-- Attention: VHDL 2008
type t_urec1 is record -- Declare a record with two fields
f1 : std_logic_vector; -- The length of the fields is undeclared at this point
f2 : std_logic_vector;
end record t_urec1;
constant zero_urec1 : t_urec1( -- Declare a constant
f1(7 downto 0), -- range of f1
f2(15 downto 0) -- range of f2
) := (
f1 => (others => '0'), -- value of f1
f2 => (others => '0') -- value of f2
constant one_urec1 : t_urec1( -- Declare a constant with different field sizes
f1(0 to 11), -- range of f1
f2(17 downto 0) -- range of f2
) := (
f1 => (others => '1'), -- value of f1
f2 => (others => '1') -- value of f2
Again, these records with unconstrained data types as fields can be used as the base data type of arrays and records. When using the record type, all ranges must be properly constrained.
-- Attention: VHDL 2008
type t_urec1_array is array(natural range <>) of t_urec1; -- Array declaration ... unconstrained!
constant arr_urec1: t_urec1_array(0 to 1023) -- Declare an array with 1024 elements
(f1(4 downto 0), f2(15 downto 0)) -- Declare width of unconstrained fields
:= (others => ( -- others: each array element
f1 => (others => '0'), -- others: each bit of f1
f2 => x"CAFE")
-- Attention: VHDL 2008
type t_urec2 is record -- Record of unconstrained records
ff1: t_urec1;
ff2: t_urec1;
end record t_urec2;
constant c_urr: t_urec2 ( -- ALL fields must be constrained in
ff1(f1(4 downto 0), f2(15 downto 0)), -- constant/variable/signal/port...
ff2(f1(0 to 5), f2(7 downto 4)) -- declaration
) := (
ff1 => (f1 => "10011", f2 => (others => '1')),
ff2 => (f1 => "110011", f2 => x"A")
Even a record containing an unconstrained array of records is possible, as shown below. Proper use of newlines (and Sigasi Visual HDL’s formatting – try CTRL+SHIFT+F) will help to keep your code readable.
-- Attention: VHDL 2008
type t_uarec is record -- A record containing
ff1 : t_urec1; -- an unconstrained record and
ff2 : t_urec1_array; -- an unconstrained array of
end record t_uarec; -- unconstrained records
constant c_uarr : t_uarec(
ff1(f1(4 downto 0), f2(15 downto 0)), -- Constrain record ff1
ff2(0 to 5) -- Constrain the array size (ff2)
(f1(0 to 5), f2(7 downto 4)) -- Constrain records inside the array
) := (
ff1 => (f1 => "10011", f2 => (others => '1')), -- Values for ff1
ff2 => (
0 => (f1 => "110011", f2 => x"C"), -- Values for each array element of ff2.
1 => (f1 => "110011", f2 => x"A"),
2 => (f1 => "110011", f2 => x"F"),
others => (f1 => "110011", f2 => x"E")
Earlier VHDL versions than version 2008 don’t support unconstrained fields in records. In those versions of VHDL, all fields must be properly constrained in the record type declaration.
See also
- Finite State Machine (FSM) encoding in VHDL: binary, one-hot, and others (blog post)
- "Use" and "Library" in VHDL (blog post)
- Signal Assignments in VHDL: with/select, when/else and case (blog post)
- VHDL Pragmas (blog post)
- Case statements in VHDL and (System)Verilog (blog post)