This is the second article in our series about VHDL 2019. In this article we look at the new ability to cleanly express interfaces. You can read the first part here.
VHDL Interfaces
Interfaces are a central element in hardware design. There are many standardized interfaces like I²C, AXI or VGA
and every design also has internally designed interfaces to connect various parts of a system. Unfortunately, these
interfaces are cumbersome to model using VHDL. Typically, they are not explicitly defined. Instead their description
is repeated on every entity. The only way to identify them is through some naming convention, e.g. all ports of the
slave AXI interface could be prefixed with slave_axi_0_
This approach has many drawbacks. Since there is no centralized definition and the solution relies on naming conventions, it can be hard to identify the interface in complex entities. It is also hard to document an interface without a central definition. The interface is not only repeated for every entity that uses it, but also in every instantiation. All this duplicated code is very cumbersome to maintain. For example, changing the type or name of an element of the interface requires edits in many files, even in architectures that just pass the interface to an instantiation. This situation is unacceptable for a language that highly values strong typing and early bug detection; language level support for interfaces is needed.
Over the years, designers have developed workarounds to model interfaces in VHDL. One solution is to model the
interface as a record. But different elements of a record cannot have different port directions. There are two solutions
to this problem: model this record as inout
or split the record into multiple records, one for each port direction. The
latter method is often called the Gaisler method 3.
Modeling an interface as an inout
record has the advantage that the interface is defined in one place and it can
easily be passed around. You can nest interfaces by nesting records and you can make an array of interfaces. This
approach however, has one big drawback: the compiler can no longer check the port direction. For this reason, it is
almost never used. The Gaisler method is often used. Unfortunately, it cannot handle nested interfaces and it still relies
on some naming conventions.
When the VHDL working group examined how interfaces could be implemented, many approaches were discussed. You can make
directions part of the subtype, create a new kind of record or define a new container with different object kinds like
constants and signals. The simplest solution was chosen, called “mode views”. A mode view
defines port directions for elements of a record. You can look at it as a user-defined mode for records, instead of
writing in
or out
you refer to the “mode view”.
package interfaces is
type streaming_bus is record -- the record definition
valid : std_logic;
data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ack : std_logic;
end record;
view streaming_master of streaming_bus is -- the mode view of the record
valid, data : out;
ack : in;
end view;
alias streaming_slave is streaming_master'converse;
In this interfaces
package a record streaming_bus
is defined. This record defines all the names and types of the
elements of the record. The record elements valid
and data
are used to push data over the bus, the element ack
is used to provide some back pressure. In the mode view streaming_master
we create an interface for the record
. A port mode is applied to every element of the record. To maximize code reuse one record can have
many mode views. Because they are defined in a package, the definition can be reused. The record and the mode view
do not have to be defined in the same package. Using the converse
attribute we can invert the mode view directions
in a single line. Alternatively, you can also explicitly define streaming_slave
as follows:
view streaming_slave of streaming_bus is
valid, data : in;
ack : out;
end view;
Let us take a look at how this interface can be used.
entity source is
port(clk, rst : in std_logic; output : view streaming_master);
entity processor is
port(clk, rst : in std_logic;
input : view streaming_slave;
output : view streaming_master);
entity sink is
port(clk, rst : in std_logic; input: view streaming_slave);
architecture a of e is
signal clk, rst : std_logic;
signal input, output : streaming_bus;
producer : entity work.source port map(clk, rst, input);
processing : entity work.processor port map(clk, rst, input, output);
consumer : entity work.sink port map(clk, rst, output);
In this example we have three instantiations that are connected using two buses. The instantiation producer
some data and pushes it to the bus input
. This data is processed by the instantiation processing
and pushed to the
bus output
. Which is then consumed by the consumer
Note that the view mode used in the entities source
, processor
and sink
is actually written in its short form.
The long form is view streaming_master of streaming_bus
. But in this example, referring to the type is
redundant. It is already defined on the mode view and in this case we do not use a specific subtype. The need for a
long form will become clear in the next example.
If we now want to make the element data
in streaming bus generic in size we need to change some definitions.
type streaming_bus is record
valid : std_logic;
data : std_logic_vector;
ack : std_logic;
end record;
is now unconstrained, this feature has been introduced in VHDL 2008. Our mode view definitions
do not have to change. We can change the definition of the source
entity to make the size of the bus explicit as a
generic parameter.
entity source is
generic(size : natural);
clk, rst : in std_logic;
output : view streaming_master of streaming_bus(data(size - 1 downto 0))
Using constrained records subtypes and explicitly defining the subtype we reuse the mode view for multiple subtypes of the same record.
It is also possible to nest interfaces, e.g. you can combine the input
and output
interfaces of the processor
entity into one interface.
type processing_element_rec is record
input, output : streaming_bus;
end record type;
view processing_element of processing_element_rec is
input : view streaming_slave;
output : view streaming_master;
end view;
Instead of writing in
or out
in the view we refer to the mode view that should be applied to the record element.
It is also possible to create arrays of interfaces, e.g. expanding the element input
of the previous example to an
array of slaves:
type streaming_bus_array is array (natural range <>) of streaming_bus;
type processing_element_rec is record
inputs : streaming_record_array(0 to 9);
output : streaming_rec
end record type;
view processing_element of processing_element_rec is
inputs : view (streaming_slave);
output : view streaming_master;
end view;
In this case the view mode is applied to an array with streaming_bus
as array element. The definition has to be
surrounded with parentheses because the view mode is applied to an array and not a record. This syntax is similar to
how resolution functions are applied to array types.
Finally, it is also possible to pass an interface to a procedure or a function. It is not possible to return an interface from a function.
procedure p(signal b : view streaming_slave; ...);
function f(signal b : view streaming_slave; ...) return ...;
The ability to cleanly express interfaces is the most visible improvement in VHDL 2019. It drastically improves the readability and maintainability of VHDL designs. As shown in the examples, the provided features are very flexible and enable the designer to model any interface.
Read on for part 3.
See also
- VHDL 2019: Usability and APIs (blog post)
- VHDL 2019: Enhanced generic types (blog post)
- What's new in VHDL 2019? (blog post)
- VHDL 2019: Conditional Analysis (blog post)
- Case statements in VHDL and (System)Verilog (blog post)