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Posted on 2020-09-28 by Wim Meeus
Last modified on 2024-06-19
Tagged as: VHDLVerilogSystemVerilogProcess

Wildcards in sensitivity lists in VHDL and Verilog

In hardware description languages (HDL), sensitivity lists are used to indicate which events may trigger a VHDL process or (System)Verilog always statement. These trigger events are usually transitions of signals that are inputs of the process or always statement.

Simulators and synthesis tools tend to treat sensitivity lists differently.

  • A simulator will observe the sensitivity list. If an input of a procedure or always statement is not in the sensitivity list, a transition of that signal will not trigger the procedure, and no new output is produced.
  • A synthesis tool will ignore the sensitivity list. A new output is calculated according to the code of the procedure or always statement. The synthesis tool may warn for an incomplete sensitivity list.

This different treatment may lead to differences between simulation and synthesis, which may hide design flaws until late in the design cycle. This is particularly true for combinatorial processes, which may have many inputs and hence long sensitivity lists.

Three different problems may be present in a sensitivity list: missing items, superfluous items and duplicate items. The former two could either cause or hide a design flaw and cause synthesis-simulation mismatch. The latter is just messy and makes the code harder to understand and maintain.

In recent versions of VHDL and (System)Verilog, new constructs have been introduced to remove the need of exhaustive sensitivity lists.


In VHDL'2008, the all keyword was introduced for combinatorial processes. Using process(all) is equivalent to listing all inputs to the process in the sensitivity list. This ensures that the process is sensitive to all relevant signals. As a result, synthesis-simulation mismatch is avoided.

process(all)                -- equivalent to process(a, b)
    foo <= a + b;
end process;  

But what about side effects, when signals are read by a procedure or impure function that are not parameters of the procedure or impure function? Note that this is bad design practice, it is recommended that functions and procedures get all of their inputs through parameters. The VHDL all keyword however also covers those signals. This makes the all keyword safe to use even with procedures and impure functions.

entity sense is
        a, b   : in  integer;
        y1, y2 : out integer
end entity sense;

architecture RTL of sense is
    p1 : process(all) is
        impure function func_plus(t1 : integer) -- impure function: reads `b` directly (bad practice!)
        return integer is
            return t1 + b;
        end function func_plus;

    begin                                       -- process(all) includes a and b
        y1 <= func_plus(a);                     -- even though b is not visible in the process body
    end process p1;

    p2 : process(all) is
        procedure proc_plus is                  -- procedure reads a and b directly (bad practice!)
            y2 <= a + b;
        end procedure proc_plus;

    begin                                       -- process(all) includes a and b
        proc_plus;                              -- even though a and b are not visible in the
    end process p2;                             -- process body
end architecture RTL;

Performance-wise, the use of process(all) instead of a sensitivity list with all inputs is not expected to make much difference. Synthesis tools generally ignore the sensitivity list already. Simulators may take a negligible amount of extra time during compilation to determine the actual sensitivity list, but the simulation speed is not expected to be affected.

Sigasi Visual HDL warns for incomplete sensitivity lists and sensitivity lists with superfluous or duplicate entries. A quick fix is available to sanitize sensitivity lists.


A similar construct was introduced in Verilog'2001. In Verilog, an asterisk (*) denotes that the always block triggers when any input signal changes.

always @*          // triggers on transitions of a and b
    y = a + b;

An important caveat is that always @* does not cover inputs which are read directly by subprograms (i.e. functions and tasks). In the example below, the always @* block is triggered by transitions of a but not by transitions of b.

module sense(
    input integer a, b,
    output integer y

    function integer fun_add(input integer t1);   // function reads b directly, not as a parameter
        begin                                     //     (bad practice!)
            fun_add = t1 + b;

    always @* begin                               // always block triggers on transitions of a only
        y = fun_add(a);                           // A transition of b won't trigger an update of y!


As can be seen on the simulation waveforms, y gets updated on transitions of a but not on transitions of b.


This shows that Verilog’s always @* construct should be used with great care. This also illustrates why reading inputs other than through the parameter list is bad practice.


SystemVerilog has an improved solution over plain Verilog: the always_comb block. An important advantage of always_comb over always @* is that it is sensitive to changes of variables read directly inside a function (but not in a task). This removes a potential source of confusion (and design flaws).

module sense(                                     // SystemVerilog
    input integer a, b,
    output integer y

    function integer fun_add(input integer t1);   // function reads b directly, not as a parameter
        begin                                     //     (bad practice!)
            fun_add = t1 + b;

    always_comb begin                             // always_comb block triggers on transitions of
        y = fun_add(a);                           //     a and b


The use of always_comb has more advantages (a.o. automatic execution at time 0 and protection against writing variables from multiple always_comb blocks). In SystemVerilog, always_comb is always preferred over always @*.


VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog offer constructs that remove the need of writing exhaustive sensitivity lists for combinatorial processes. Apart from easier coding, the risk of synthesis-simulation mismatch due to an incorrect sensitivity list is reduced. These constructs are meant in particular for combinatorial processes.

See also